Biology: Concentration in Pre-Vet, B.S.

two biology students in a laboratory looking at a specimen in a microscope

Are you interested in caring for animals? Is veterinary care a passion of yours? Look into the Bachelor of Science in Biology with a concentration in Pre-Vet.

文理学院 & 科学




Why Earn a Degree in Biology: Concentration in Pre-Vet at PBA?

作为一名生物专业的学生, you’ll engage in a challenging course of study, while taking advantage of our proximity to unparalleled natural resources and research opportunities; and you’ll have access to the kind of modern technology, labs and learning resources typically reserved for graduate students. All of this happens in the context of a Christian worldview coupled with rigorous scientific research.

female students smiling and taking notes at Palm Beach Atlantic University


规划你的道路. 开启拼搏体育.


What Can I Do With This Degree?

  • 兽医
  • 动物收容所
  • 水族馆经理
  • 训狗师
  • Fish and Wildlife Biologist
  • Natural Resource Management

As a student in the School of Arts & 科学, you’ll find a rich array of programs—from creative writing and philosophy to mathematics and the sciences—all of which are delivered with a Christian worldview. And you’ll discover opportunities that could include studying marine wildlife in the Galapagos, the Atlantic or the Everglades; interning at a Fortune 500 company; or exploring the ancient architecture of Rome. On any given day as a student in the School of Arts & 科学 you may find yourself:

  • Presenting research at a national psychology conference
  • Analyzing polling data as an intern for a candidate for Congress
  • Studying sea turtles in the Atlantic
  • Participating in exciting educational trips, including to the Galapagos or the Everglades
  • Supporting the computer network for one of 西拼搏体育’s Fortune 500 companies
  • DNA分析
  • Publishing a story in PBA’s literary journal Living Waters Review
  • Walking the stages of London’s renowned theatres
  • Enhancing your knowledge and skills through clubs and organizations, like the Mathematics Club or the Marine Biology Club


The program provides exciting hands-on labs and other learning opportunities, including field trips to places such as the Everglades, the Galapagos Islands and Costa Rica. Our students also intern at leading scientific organizations and agencies, some of which include:

  • 马克斯普朗克研究所
  • 斯克里普斯研究所
  • Loggerhead Marine Life Center
  • 莫特海事化验所
  • 麦克阿瑟海滩州立公园
  • Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management
  • 南佛罗里达 Water Management District

Benefit from Top-Notch Facilities

You’ll benefit from learning in 南佛罗里达, which has an increasing concentration of companies involved in medical, 制药, biotechnology and biochemistry areas, 包括:

PBA’s biology graduates are prepared to excel in a broad range of scientific disciplines. They’ve been accepted at top medical and graduate schools such as:

  • Florida State University Medical School
  • University of Georgia Medical School
  • New York University College of Dentistry
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学
  • 牛津大学
  • 斯克里普斯研究所
  • 密歇根大学
  • 圣母大学
  • University of Southern California

And you’ll find them working with impressive organizations 包括:

  • Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management
  • 佛罗里达州立公园系统
  • 谢德水族馆
  • Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
  • Loggerhead Marinelife Center
  • 兰德眼科研究所
  • 拼搏体育动物园
  • Palm Beach County School District

Learn more about your classes and requirements in the course catalog.


PBA awards over three million dollars in 奖学金 every year and 97% of PBA undergraduate students receive 金融援助.


职业准备 & 从实践经验中学习

Get out of the classroom and into the world. Serve, study, and learn abroad. Research, explore, and delve into your biggest questions. Intern, immerse, and gain career-enhancing skills. Embrace adventure, and see for yourself what it feels like when learning becomes an experience.




students from the zoology program testing sand at the beach

Biology: Concentration in Zoology, B.S.

Palm Beach Atlantic University offers high-quality training in the study of Biology: Concentration in Zoology.

students studying Botany Environmental Science and Field Biology by collecting trash on the beach

Biology: Concentration in Botany, Environmental Science, and Field Biology, B.S.

你将学习生态学, 环境问题, 如何进行研究, interrelationships between organisms and their environments and so much more.

a biology student using a microscope in a laboratory

Biology: Concentration in Pre-Health Professional Preparation, B.S.

A major in one of the sciences is a good choice for students planning to gain entrance into a health professional program upon graduation.